AC Units
Eco Smart Packaged AC Units
Eco Smart Packaged Units are all-in-one solutions that efficiently keep you cool in the summer and add the warmth of gas heat in the winter. Most of the components for heating and/or cooling housed in a single unit in a Packaged AC Unit. Eco Smart Packaged Units controls exceed current energy efficiency requirements, helping you to benefit reduced operating costs.
Packaged AC Unit save space by using a packaged heat pump design and provide an all-in-one comfort solution. We use ozone friendly R-410A refrigerant, which is an advanced refrigerant that doesn’t harm the ozone layer and providing reliable, efficient performance. The product can be placed on the ground or rooftop outside your residential or commercial space. All components of complete heating and cooling system are contained in one single unit unlike split-systems. Package ac units are best for premium indoor space situations.
Eco Smart packaged ac units eliminate the need for a cooling tower. This is ideal for application that requires individual tenant control and metering. Eco Smart packaged ac units can be configured in horizontal and vertical units according to customer’s choice.
Get all your home heating and cooling requirements in a single easy package from Eco Smart Packaged AC Units.
Features and Benefits
High Efficiency – Our units are equipped with highly efficient and reliable scroll compressor and have enlarged coil surface associated with larger fan.
Architectural Flexibility – Providing more architectural flexibility by eliminating the need for a cooling tower.
Mechanical Flexibility – Drive components can be upsized for higher external static-pressure required applications and available in both vertical and horizontal configurations.
Reduced Noise – Operates at lower sound and vibration levels than reciprocating compressors.
Easy operation – Digital remote control comes standard with indoor unit.
Durability – Heat exchanger fins are treated with anti-corrosion solution and improved resistance to salt corrosion and atmospheric pollution.

Air Cooled Packaged Unit
Eco Smart offer wide range of energy efficient Air-Cooled Packaged Unit (ACPU) which is ultra-quiet and easy to install. We provide wide range of models with various capacities those benefits in terms of space and cost saving. Modular construction and improved range of options ensure the compatibility with every application and is ideally applicable to a variety of environments. The compact and rugged make of Eco Smart Air-Cooled Packaged Unit is a total package of quality and technology. Our unis are reliable and designed to meet every requirement for efficient, quiet and dependable performance. We offer innovative solutions to face the challenges of users and installers of air conditioning systems.
Our Air-Cooled Packaged Units are specially designed to meet noise & vibration in a compact construction. Eco Smart satisfy every customer demand as an environment friendly unit. The unit are assembled fully, leak tested, internally wired and completely charged with R410A refrigerant. Each unit are tested thoroughly and ready for installation. Eco Smart Air-Cooled Packaged Units are also ideal for both commercial and residential building renovation and retrofit requirements.
Water Cooled Packaged Units
Eco Smart Water-Cooled Packaged Units (WCPU) provide a complete line of unit options for applications in high- and low-rise buildings indoor installation. Designed with high efficiency, quality and dependable operation for duct type air-conditioning system in commercial and residential buildings, Eco Smart Water-Cooled Packaged Units has been tested for leakages and fully charged with refrigerant from the factory itself. Microprocessor control with LED status indicator is available for quick field diagnostics. The units are also ideal in both commercial and residential buildings for the renovation or retrofit requirements.
Eco Smart Water-Cooled Packaged Units are compact and self-contained units that comes with single or multiple hermetic compressors and refrigerant circuits and offer low installation cost and dependable performance. A highly efficiency condenser and a sealed strainer and capillary tubes is available with each refrigerant circuit. The Compact design saves installation space and are manufactured to be the most intelligent and compact systems to cater the complete cooling requirements.

Custom Made Packaged Unit
Eco Smart provide highly efficient, quick and easy install compact Custom-Made Package units (CMPU) for heating and cooling purpose. These are designed for commercial as well as residential applications and can be equipped with optional controls and accessories to fit customer requirements. We also offer complete, compact, reliable units specially designed for customers’ demand. Since large, single packaged units have significant impact on energy bill, our Custom-Made Packaged Units are designed to address all the economic concerns.
We customize our products based on the requirement of each client. Eco Smart also customize and modify equipment’s to provide a cost-effective solution to the client’s individual needs. Our team of qualified engineers and designers are committed to fast customer response with design options focused on high quality, efficiency and cost savings and can give a solution to the most challenging building requirements in HVAC system.